Freelancing with Fiverr

I've recently been using Fiverr to explore making money as a Freelancer using my web development skills. Here's a little guide I wrote as I went along, explaining the process.

Get aquainted with Fiverr

Create your account on Fiverr and explore what other people are offering in your space. For me, a search for "Ruby", "Rails" and "Web Development" yielded lots of active gigs offering the kind of services I would offer. Note things you like about their gigs, check their reviews, and use their pictures as inspiration for your gig.

Barcelona Jobs Roundup: May 2015

Here's a post taking a look at the Barcelona tech job market, for the month of May 2015. Mainly focused on Ruby jobs, with a sprinkling of JS ones.
Know of any other offer I've missed? Say so on the comments and I'll add it to the list. 
Interested in being featured here? Contact me on Twitter, let's talk.

    Setting up Atom for Rails Development

    In the vein of these Sublime Text 3 recommendations for Rails development, here's my Atom setup for developing web apps.

    After using Sublime and Vim for several years, I switched to Atom a year ago, and have not missed one feature from the other two so far. Since Atom is in continuous development by the core team and the community, it only gets better as time passes. Also, it's free.

    First, an FAQ/C:


    No need to install any package manager for Atom. The editor is composed of over 50 open-source packages, and so the package manager is built in. There's a phenomenal package repository online, or you can search for them directly on Atom's Settings -> InstallAnd, since Atom is open source and built using web technologies, creating new packages or extending exiting ones is easy. Here are the ones I use:

    Develop your app on the cloud with the web IDE

    Seeing how running Rails on Windows is not everybody's cup of tea, here's a quick guide on how to run your app on, a cloud development box that you can access from wherever you have a browser. Yes, even Chrome OS.

    This guide uses a Ruby on Rails app as an example, but supports NodeJS, Python/Django, Go, PHP and Meteor apps out of the box.
    • Signup on with GitHub to make this easier later on.
    • Create a box for your Rails app, pick a nice name for it:

    • I suposse you're doing some top-secret cool stuff. so click on your newly created box, then on "Reveal public key", and add the key to your GitHub account so you can clone your private repo:

    API authentication with devise_token_auth

    This post is part of an ongoing feature about creating a social network in Rails.

    Any modern Rails web app will need an API to power mobile and/or desktop clients, and maybe even a SPA later on. The devise_token_auth gem adds API user authentication to our app with minimum effort and total configurability. Here's a quick guide on how to set it up, together with solutions to the gotchas that come with it.
    We start on our Gemfile, as usual:
    gem 'devise'
    gem 'devise_token_auth' # Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs
    gem 'omniauth' # required for devise_token_auth